19 Sep, 2011

Plako patronizes a donkey

On September 17th, Plako's team has headed to Atenor, Miranda do Douro, Portugal, to meet Atenor, the donkey patronized by the company,

Along with all the concerns Plako has towards the environment, there is also a special focus on endangered species, particularly portuguese native species. So, for its docile nature and for being an endangered species, Plako decided to take this step. With the aid of AEPGA - Associação para o Estudo e Protecção do Gado Asinino - it was possible to get to know the Miranda endangered species.

AEPGA wants to preserve this native donkey breed, in order to save a genetic, ecological and cultural unique to our country. AEPGA also intends to revalue the image of the donkey nation wide, especially the Miranda donkey.

Plako also took the oportunity to explore the portugues inner Northeast, leveragin an atmosphere of contemplation and friendship. The activity's photos are on our Facebook page.